This is one of the more common questions we receive along with: Are all Airlocks also Rotary Valves? The answer to this question, like many things, depends upon who you ask. There is a wide variety of Airlock manufacturers, and the answer depends on how each company defines its product within the industrial manufacturing material handling industry.

The term “rotary valve” has been a standard term used throughout the material handling industry for a very long time and generally refers to a component that can adjust the flow of material within a particular system. In mechanical terms, a valve is a device used to control flow. Generally speaking, a valve can be adjusted to maximize or minimize flow and because rotary valves are oftentimes used to control the flow of material within a material handling system, they began being referred to as “valves.” However, these valves are very different from what most people think of when the term “valve” is used, so a differentiator was added by way of “rotary,” which also became an identifier.

The term “rotary” refers to the rotor within a valve used to control the flow of material. This is why this type of equipment is referred to as a “rotary valve.” Another important feature of a rotary valve is its ability to separate two different atmospheres of varying pressures within the material handling system. This occurs by minimizing the amount of clearance between the turning rotor and the inside dimension (ID) of the housing, which in turn limits the amount of air able to pass through the valve. The less space between these two components, the better the airlock functionality, and the more efficient the rotary valve.

Getting back to the original question “Are all rotary valves also airlocks?” The answer is YES most Rotary Valves manufactured today, are capable of both metering material and operating as an airlock.

However, in terms of performance, not all Rotary Valves are considered equal!

Here at Precision Machine & Manufacturing (PMM), we define a Rotary Valve Airlock as a material handling component that is specifically used to move powdery or granular types of materials or utilizes similar materials or manufacturing processes. Twenty years ago, PMM turned the industry on its heels by introducing a modular Rotary Valve, which was a first within the industry in a variety of ways! For starters, it was and continues to be the first Rotary Valve to be 100% manufactured from a special U.S.-sourced, through-hardened, abrasion-resistant steel alloy that is surface treated to push the overall hardness to nearly 60 Rockwell. In addition, PMM’s new design and manufacturing process enabled PMM to achieve the tightest possible clearances between the rotor and the housing, which maximizes the airlock functionality. Because the valve is manufactured from an abrasion-resistant steel alloy, the rotor to housing clearances can be maintained significantly longer due to much slower wear rates. Lastly, the modularity of the valve was a game changer because it enables worn components to be quickly replaced onsite, which significantly decreases downtime and provides a much stronger return on investment over the life of the product. Most people within the material handling industry, whether end-users or competitors, all commonly agree that Precision Machine & Manufacturing is THE rotary valve manufacturer who actively pursues and targets the most difficult material handling applications within the manufacturing industry, including those possessing high-wear and/or high-abrasive characteristics. Check out The Precision Difference to see how PMM’s Rotary Valve Airlocks are different than the competition.

To learn more about the highly coveted and popular PMM Rotary Valve Airlock, feel free to visit, to see all of the different Rotary Valve Airlock models.

Check out PMM’s Rotary Valve Airlock Animation

PMM's Modular Rotary Valve

Modular functionality=Quick replacement of wear parts.

PMM Rotary Valve Airlocks

PMM Heavy-Duty Rotary Valve Airlock

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